Shiva and Pârvatî
Nepal Wood Height 44cm width 30cm 17th century
Wooden strut: Yakshi
Nepal Wood Height 55 cm 17th century
Wooden strut: Yakshi
Nepal Wood Height 55 cm 17th century
Wood strut : Yaksi
Nepal Wood Height 80 cm 18th century
Wood strut : Yaksi
Nepal Wood Height 80 cm 18th century
Wood strut : Yaksi
Nepal Wood Height 80 cm 18th century
Part of miniature temple Nepal Wood with gilding Height 6 cm 16th century
Stûpa of the Heaped Lotuses (Padmâvali Chaitya) Nepal Wood Height 17cm-width 13cm 17th century
Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara Nepal wood height 39cm 16th century Malla Period
Green Tara
Nepal wood height 68cm 17th century
“Torana” dedicated to Ganesha
dated 839 Samvat newary (1719 C.E.) 18th century
Nepal Valley wood long 115.5cm - h. 82.5cm - D. 9.5cm
Green Tara Nepal Wood with polychrome traces high 28 - large 22 - deep 13 cm 18th century
Noble temple in honor of:
Mahishasura Mardini Nepal polychrome wood with natural pigments height 76 cm - large 52 to 46 cm - 5 to 26 cm Shah Period 19th century (1820/1860)
Snarling lion Nepal Wood with polychrome traces height 10,8 cm - length 10,4 cm 17th century Malla Period
Wooden Turana Nepal Policrome wooden Hight 76,5 - Large 61,5 cm 18th century